5-Step Blueprint For a Total Health Turnaround
When I found out about the power of a whole food plant-based diet to prevent, control and reverse many serious chronic diseases through my o

Racy Oil-Free Red Pepper Pesto
As a traditional pesto lover, this Red Pepper Pesto has been a game changer for me! That's because traditional pesto, and even it's vegan...

Bigt Moose's Vegan Health Success Story: Taking back his health in every way
Many of you know 50-year old "Bigt Moose" (keeping his identifying information private) as an active member of my free Going Vegan for...

Jo Sims' Vegan Health Story: Completely off injectible insulin forever!
I've known Jo Sims, age 49, since I joined House of Light Yoga after finishing my cancer treatment 3 years ago. Jo has watched me recover...

Finally! A Vegan, Oil-Free Ranch Dressing!
A creamy salad dressing is a beautiful thing - but not when it's made out of dairy milk, cream and yogurt loaded with fat, cholesterol,...

Vegan Health Success Story: Her A1C plummeted from 6.8 to 6.2 in 50 days!
This is not an exclusively vegan health story because this woman did not completely cut out all cheese but is reducing more and more all...