Jo Sims' Vegan Health Story: Completely off injectible insulin forever!
I've known Jo Sims, age 49, since I joined House of Light Yoga after finishing my cancer treatment 3 years ago. Jo has watched me recover...

How my husband finally went vegan and why he says he is staying vegan forever...
If you've read my story, then you know I went vegan at the end of 2014 after my cancer treatments were finished. But, my husband David...

How carbs can be your best friend for losing weight and reversing diabetes...
Maybe you took a look at my Naturally Vegan Foods Cheat Sheet and thought, "Hey, there's a lot of carbs here. I'm not supposed to eat...

My favorite vegan resources for cancer patients and cancer survivors
As I've been listening to people's stories of how they went vegan and how it affected their health so positively, in ways they'd never...