Oil-Free Cilantro Lime "Dresto" for Everything
I'm always on the lookout for oil-free dressings and pesto for dishes and salads and when I heard one of our members of the...

5-Step Blueprint For a Total Health Turnaround
When I found out about the power of a whole food plant-based diet to prevent, control and reverse many serious chronic diseases through my o

Patty's Salted Vegan Caramel Popcorn... (A.K.A Crack)
I got this game-changing whole food plant-based no oil recipe from my Facebook friend and fellow breast cancer survivor, Patty Falo, who...

Bigt Moose's Vegan Health Success Story: Taking back his health in every way
Many of you know 50-year old "Bigt Moose" (keeping his identifying information private) as an active member of my free Going Vegan for...

Jo Sims' Vegan Health Story: Completely off injectible insulin forever!
I've known Jo Sims, age 49, since I joined House of Light Yoga after finishing my cancer treatment 3 years ago. Jo has watched me recover...

Vegan Health Success Story: Her A1C plummeted from 6.8 to 6.2 in 50 days!
This is not an exclusively vegan health story because this woman did not completely cut out all cheese but is reducing more and more all...

"Save Our Seas" Vegan Sushi
I've always liked sushi, but was never a fan of the "fish" aspect of it. Now that I know that eating fish (with its high degree of...

Angela Heverling's Vegan Health Story: Gaining Physical Confidence
I saw this picture of fellow vegan Angela Heverling on Instagram and new I wanted to tell her vegan health story. That's because her...

Christine Day's Vegan Health Story: Finally discovering the secret to vegan weight loss...
As someone who first became vegan as a result of a health crisis, I take some flak from the vegan community because reducing animal...

How my husband finally went vegan and why he says he is staying vegan forever...
If you've read my story, then you know I went vegan at the end of 2014 after my cancer treatments were finished. But, my husband David...

Darlene's Vegan Health Story: Total Vegan Fitness Bad-Assery
I met Darlene, a 33-year-old nutrition and fitness coach and fitness competitor from Long Beach, California during my training to become...

Fat Tony’s Vegan Health Story: How (and why) a regular guy goes vegan
Now, I know what you’re thinking. This is going to be a weight loss story. But then you’re looking at the pictures going, “No way this...

Kelly's Vegan Health Story: Gaining confidence & conquering IBS, PMS
I had the pleasure of getting to know Kelly, a 44 year-old vegan from Troy, Michigan, over a raw food vegan lunch at the Quintessence...