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Mint Chocolate Swirl Delight

I don't know about you, but before I was vegan and when I was 40 pounds heavier, I LOVED mint chocolate chip ice cream...Breyer's to be exact. So that's what I tried to re-create here, but without the dairy, the fat and the sugar of the original. And what a pleasure it enjoy plant-based delights and easily maintain my new fit, trim life!

You're welcome!

Vegan Cooking Level: Beginner


2 frozen bananas, chunked (for 2 servings)

1/2 cup any unsweetened, unflavored plant milk

1/8 tsp. vanilla extract

Drop of peppermint extract (on a Q-tip)

1 tbsp. Maple syrup

1 tsp. Cacao powder

Optional: Cacao Nibs

How To Whip it up

STEP 1: In a medium processor or high speed blender, place frozen banana chunks in the amount of approximately 2 bananas (for 2 servings). Add 1/4 cup any unsweetened unflavored plant milk, to start, and vanilla.

STEP 2: Now this is important so listen up: Dip a q-tip in the peppermint extract and then submerge into the milk in the in the bottom of the processor with the bananas. (WARNING: Do not overdo the peppermint as it is VERY strong and bitter if overused). Let sit in the processor for about 1 minute just to allow bananas to blend.

STEP 3: Meanwhile combine syrup and cacao powder in a small bowl and whisk.

STEP 4: Process by pulsing the processor. Scrape down and add more milk 2 tbsps. at a time until the mixture spins freely until you get a soft-serve consistency like this:

STEP 5 SERVE: Spoon into your bowl, drizzle the chocolate syrup over your N’ice cream and use your spoon to swirl it beautifully throughout your portion. Top with

Rawnola Sprinkle and/or cacao nibs. Spoon any leftovers into your ice pop molds!

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