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How I chop my veggies lickety-splickety

Fast and easy is the name of the game when you're dealing with recipes that need a lot of chopped up veggies. So, I like to enlist the help of my handy, dandy

Zyliss Slicer/Chopper which makes a mountain of veggies into a hill of beautifully julienned slices in a matter of minutes. Like so...

A slicer making chopping and vegan cooking so much easier
Use a slicer to quickly chop and slice veggies, Vegan Lifestyle Coach Naomi Mannino

I use it everyday for salads and stir fry prep and its definitely the quickest way to uniformly chop onions ever. Just be sure to use the finger guard when the veggies get close to the blade!

Want to take back your health eating this way

but need help getting the health & weight loss results you really want?

Schedule a free Plant-Empowered Woman Activation Call with me to:

-CREATE a crystal clear vision for the healthy lifestyle you want free of the health conditions and limiting beliefs that are dragging you down

-UNCOVER hidden challenges sabotaging your health and weight loss efforts

-LEAVE this session with a plant-based plan...renewed, inspired and ready to reclaim your health quickly through a whole food plant-based vegan diet and lifestyle

With Love, Broccoli & Vegan Weight Loss Magic ✨

Vegan Coach Naomi

Coaching, Classes & Community to Drop the LBS., Meds & Emotional Baggage

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